Is your pet afraid of loud noises?

What is a noise phobia?
This is an exaggerated irrational response to a noxious stimuli (thunder, lightning, barometric pressure change).

Treatment options:Avoid when possible:  Give the dog a quiet place to get away from the noise.  This can be a room in the basement away from windows.  This area will be quieter and eliminate windows where they can see flashes of light.

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Vetting Uncle Norm
(with Julz along for the ride)

There couldn’t be a book about Julz without my Uncle Norman, also known as Dr. Jernigan, having a crucial role in it. As Uncle Norm, he and his family have always had an important and fondly remembered presence in my life, but as Dr. Jernigan, this was magnified many times over during the years when Julz became a passion in my life.

Who Loves Who More?; Understanding the Love Your Fur Baby Gives You

Unfortunately, humans and our four-legged family members don’t (currently) speak the same language. Although they are able to give us signs that they are upset, hurt, or happy, we sometimes don’t know what they are thinking. As owners we find ourselves wondering if our loved ones really know how much we care for them. In turn, our lovely companions also want to make their human companions happy. It is important that this relationship have some sort of communication, but if not through words, then how?

Welcoming the Holiday Season

While we do welcome the holiday season (most of the time with open arms), we also unknowingly welcome in dangers to our pets. Every year, we look forward to putting up our festive, loving decorations, sometimes without thought of how it could affect our furry friends. .

Simple Tricks to Making Your Pet’s Vet Visit Less Stressful

Does your pet stress when riding in the car? 

Taking your pet on frequent car rides around the neighborhood and arriving at pleasant place ( ie.. the park, or even back home again) can help alleviate stress from car rides. They will be happier to travel if they don’t always end up at the veterinary clinic, boarding facility, or the groomer.

Rewarding your pet with a treat or love and attention before and after a car ride can make the trip a more pleasant experience.

Using pheromones on the seat, in the carrier, or on your pet’s collar can help your pet feel calmer during the car ride.

If your pet gets car sick and vomits during car rides, there are medications available for this, so speak to one of our veterinarians about this issue.

Check out our Video page for tips on cat car trips

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Pet Insurance, Yes or No?

Pet insurance. Do you have it? Have you thought about it? Are you wanting to get it? Well, we are here to give you some things to consider about pet insurance. What are things to look for in a plan? When would it be of use? Why does your pet need it? Why would you not want an insurance plan? You and your family have health insurance, you have car and homeowners insurance, and so should your pet. Most plans cover preventive visits, accidents and medications. How many times have you said you wish you could claim your pet on taxes or that the bill wasn’t so high? Too many times to count, right? We hear it all the time, that healthcare for your pet can be expensive. Did you know that insurance companies reimburse you for certain services or products purchased during that visit?

Canine Influenza Update

Due to recent outbreaks of Canine Influenza at dog shows in the south eastern portion of the US, Ralston Vet is recommending dogs traveling to areas with outbreaks be vaccinated for Canine Influenza. We will be vaccinating patients 7 weeks of age and older at high risk of infection with a Canine Flu vaccine. This vaccine covers both the H3N2 and H3N8 strains of the virus. To achieve immunity your dog must be vaccinated and then receive a booster vaccine 2-4 weeks later.

Why does my pet need a nose to tail exam?

Preventive pet healthcare is a very important role in your pet’s life. Just as we see the dentist at least twice a year or your physician annually, your pet also needs to see their doctor at least once a year for a checkup other than times when they aren’t feeling well. These checkups are important for your pet to receive a physical exam to check for any changes or new concerns that have come up as well as giving the vaccinations needed and checking samples. Every year, your pet needs a physical examination done. We call these our Preventive Care Exams.

Why does my cat hate the vet’s office?

Have you ever told your vet that your cat hates coming in? Do you struggle with getting them into the carrier to go to the vets? Many cat owners deal with this battle. You are not alone. Our furry feline friends are very smart and find ways to out trick us, so they can escape the visit. Have you ever thought about why your cats put up a fight? Have you ever thought how you or your vet’s office can help your cat become less stressed? We have some tips and solutions on getting your baby into the clinic and why they fear going to the vets.

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